I've had an idea on implemented a Web 2.0 site dedicated to assisting the many video site (i.e. YouTube, etc.) vloggers who have begun work on fairly well-designed documentary series. (See Thunderf00t on YouTube for a popular example.) The theory is that if there's a division-of-labor between vloggers and subscribers/members of a like-minded community, it would be a lot easier for the vloggers to publish well-refined work in much less time. (Anyone publishing a vlog can tell you how excruciatingly time consuming it can be.)
The many vloggers whom I've mentioned this to liked the idea, but they tend not to be technical people (like me), and need help starting the ball rolling.
I've slapped together a project proposal for a web site that would function similar to the way that the WikiDot software runs. We would need a main wiki with the ability to create sub-wikis at will. The problem, as described in the proposal, is that there would need to be extensions to the WikiDot software to allow for this to succeed. I'm not sure if I (or anyone) would be able to code the extension, or even who to ask. The requirements are:
- A polling system, a la http://www.urbandictionary.com
- The ability to lock the creation of sub-wikis to administrators only.
If anyone here is familiar with the WikiDot, and might be able to give me a guess as to how difficult the above changes might be, please let me know your opinion.
Below is the project proposal. Feel free to peruse.
Wikimentany.org (?)
Project Phase:
- Reserve wikimentary.org
- Begin work with wikidot.org developers
- Broadcast idea
- Implement WikiDot server (w/ updates)
- Finalize rules and procedures
- Promote site & begin process
What it is:
- A web site designed similarly to http://www.wikidot.com
- Allows for wiki and forums for open Documentary Projects (controlled by the individual directors)
- Wikimentary will be a social network for the growing movement of viral video-loggers documentarians who have so far acted individually
- Will allow for a division of labor of the video-loggers so that the most efficient at certain tasks can concentrate their time on these tasks
- Will promote a more professional and user-interactive/Web 2.0 approach to video-log documentaries
- Documentaries will tend to Illustrative rather than Observational style; many ‘talking heads’ rather than ‘real’ footage
- Documentaries will tend to be shorter and free, not tailored for DVD distribution or network/cable broadcast
Individuals and Roles associated with a Documentary Project:
- Steering committee: controls main Wikimentary site & appoints the members of the Authorization committee
- Authorization committee: accepts & votes on new documentary projects; creates the sub-site & forums for the project and hands them to the director; authorizes changes in the nature of projects; closes old & invalid projects; accepts or rejects finalized documentary for publication & then publishes it
- Director: workhorse; controls wiki edit authority & discussion authority; decides what to put on script
- Director's guild: list of directors
- Narrator's guild: list of voice talent that shows language, dialect, skills, availabilities
- Resources/Specialists: academics, journalists, etc. who have/will act as experts on a topic
- Assistance committee: people who know what to do to create documentaries & can answer questions; will produce a FAQ & walkthrough on how to make a documentary; help with copyright questions, etc.
- Editor's guild: list of individuals with video editing software (must ensure that they’re legit and registered!)
- Director's Assistants [DA’s]: unaffiliated contributors who do most of the work; add new ideas to projects, edit scripts, find multimedia
Main page:
- Edited by the Steering and Authorization committees only
- Lists open and closed Documentary Projects, Director's guild, Narrator's guild, Specialists/Resources, etc.
- Shows popularity up-down voting poll of what people want to have upcoming, á la http://www.urbandictionary.com
Documentary Projects:
- Three levels of copyright:
- Full commercial copyright
- Director can make money; Wikimentary will not make money, and the Authorization committee will not finalize the project; the Assistance committee may or may not offer free assistance
- Creative-commons (commercial)
- Director can make money; individuals and business can copy and display the documentary for free; Wikimentary will not make money, but will provide assistance
- Creative Creative -commons (non-commercial)
- Neither Director nor Wikimentary can make money on the project
- Full commercial copyright
- Must have printable release forms for interviews & other legal documents
- Lifecycle:
- Director proposes a project to the Authorization committee, including main topics, copyright level, etc.
- The Authorization committee polls the user base for opinions or directly authorizes the project
- The Authorization committee creates the project’s wiki and forums, then grants administrator access to the Director
- The Authorization committee and Director recruit members to act as DA’s
- The Director and DA’s debate content on the forum, gather multimedia, and write the script
- The Director recruits and interviews Resources
- The Director recruits Narrators, if necessary
- The Narrator reads the script, if necessary
- The Director recruits the Editor
- The Editor assembles and mixes the final documentary output
- The Authorization committee reviews the finalized script and output for style, format, and usage or copyright violations
- The Authorization committee votes on finalization of the project
- If partially failed, the Authorization committee will request the Director to complete a list of outstanding actions necessary before finalization can succeed
- If totally failed, or at any time during the lifecycle of the project when deemed absolutely necessary, the Authorization committee may unilaterally delete the project entirely, or may assign a new director
- If succeeded, the Authorization committee begins distribution and promotion of the final documentary media, if requested by the Director
What is needed:
- Must make this concept LLC
- An extension to the WikiDot software to allow for polling, as per http://www.urbandictionary.com
- An implementation of the WikiDot application on a dedicated server, as according to http://www.wikidot.org/doc:installation#toc1
- A FAQ like http://www.wildsound-filmmaking-feedback-events.com/documentary.html