Thanks for the tip on MIME types - I'll give that a try.
I do not have custom domains enabled. Here's a part of my GlobalProperties.php file:
* Global configuration properties. Please adjust this file to your needs.
class GlobalProperties {
* Name of your service, e.g. "MIT University Wikis".
public static $SERVICE_NAME = "The Pizzageek's Wiki";
* Domain name.
public static $URL_DOMAIN = "";
* URL of documentation site.
public static $URL_DOCS = "";
* The IP of your server.
public static $IP_HOST = "";
* Allow (and process) the custom domains for the wikis. Most admins
* would like this disabled and keep all the wikis within the
* URL_DOMAIN domain.
public static $USE_CUSTOM_DOMAINS = false;
* Allow users to configure SSL settings for their wikis.
public static $USE_SSL = false;
* Session expiry time (in seconds). After that period the session will be reset and
* authorisation will be lost.
public static $SESSION_TIMEOUT = 3600; // in seconds
public static $SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = false; // by default
public static $SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = null;
* Database settings. For type the valid value is: "pgsql".
public static $DATABASE_TYPE = "pgsql";
public static $DATABASE_SERVER = "";
public static $DATABASE_PORT = "5432";
public static $DATABASE_USER = 'wd';
public static $DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'wdpass';
public static $DATABASE_NAME='wd1';
* Memcached settings.
public static $USE_MEMCACHE = false;
public static $MEMCACHE_HOST = '';
public static $MEMCACHE_PORT = 11211;
Looking closer at the 404 error, you're right, it would look like the link is trying to find the file in the
custom--domains folder rather than the
files--sites folder where they are actually located. The strange part is the files are apparently put in the right place during upload, but get lost when trying to download.
Would the fact that I renamed my server to my new DynDNS name ( possibly affect this? All I did was update GlobalProperties.php after making that change. Are there other config files affected by this that I should check? Or possibly, the "$IP_HOST" setting? I used my internal IP, not my external one - does that make a difference? Should it be localhost ( perhaps?
I may try another wipe/reinstall this weekend to see if that makes a difference.
Thanks again. With everyone's help we may get a bug-free install going yet! ;)