I followed the excellent Debian Quickstart and things went fairly well, but being a total novice with Linux, I need a bit of help.
In the Configure PostgreSQL section, I believe there is a typo:
psql wd < files/dump.sql
should be
psql wd1 < files/dump.sql
I got a "database does not exist" error and guessed the database name, not the user name, needed to be in that command.
In the Configure Wikidot section, you say to "Edit GlobalProperties to fit desired settings…"
Can you add instructions for a novice on how to launch an editor, make changes, save and exit the editor? As I said, I'm a total novice! ;)
I installed Ubuntu 7.10 server on an extra PC on my home network for testing. When I try to hit the web server with my internal IP address ( all I get is a "The site does not exist." line in my browser. This is not a "Page Not Found" error. it appears I'm hitting the Apache server, but something is missing or broken in my configuration.
I suspect that my inability to figure out how to edit the GlobalProperties may be contributing to my problem.
Since I blindly followed the guide without having much of a clue of what was really happening, I tried installing the Wikidot version of xdiff to see if that would help (it didn't). I think there is a typo in those instructions as well.
pecl remove xdiff
returned an error for me. I had to use:
pecl uninstall xdiff
to uninstall xdiff.
I think I'm pretty close to having a functioning setup. Can anyone provide a few more details or things I can check to get me over the hump?
Thanks to everyone involved for making this project available!