I have an existing web server that runs Apache, and would like to have a wikidot wiki on it.
The server is behind a firewall that I don't control; it can only serve to the outside world on port 80, so I can't just run wikidot on a different port and be done with it.
Since wikidot is self-contained and insists on being at the root of the server, my only real option is to proxy requests to wikidot through Apache. I have wikidot running on port 8080, only accessible from the server. I have Apache configured as a reverse proxy with mod_proxy and mod_proxy_html, and it's halfway working: it serves pages and rewrites the links in the sidebar. It doesn't rewrite the @import style directive, so no CSS, but I could get that working with regexp's. The bigger problem is ajax, which I've never personally dealt with so I have no idea how to fix.
When I try to login/create a page/pretty much anything, I get this error:
The ajax request failed. Please check your internet connection or
report a bug if the error repeats during your work.
Has anyone gotten wikidot running behind an apache proxy? Or, barring that, any other ajax web app? I'm not sure where to go from here.