Embedding code from other sites
Sometimes web sites (mainly social-oriented ones) allow you to paste a code block directly into other pages in order to increase your site functionality or embed some content from the original site.
Sorry, no match for the embedded content.
For the list of supported services please see the page: Embedding code from other services.
Please note that if the code contains <script type="text/javascript"… i.e. just JavaScript, the content will not be fully rendered when you click preview while editing the page. It should be there however when you view the page afterwards.
[[iframe]] element
Using the iframe element one can embed content of any other web page. The syntax is
[[iframe http://www.google.com] height (0) width (0)]
and it translates into HTML tags <iframe src="url-source" attributes></iframe>. The allowed attributes are: frameborder (0 or 1 allowed), align (left, right, top, bottom, middle), height (number of pixels or %), width (number of pixels or %), scrolling (yes or no), class, style